Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25, 2012 - Honeybee

I think I might just have to do images of insects for the rest of my pieces.  I highly enjoyed doing
this one.  Coincidentally, the first image I did in my drawing series was of a honeybee as well.  In
that post I wrote about the history of them and how their hardworking tendencies were monastic in
nature.  I also think I wrote about the mystery of the honeybees disappearing and how sad I think
this is.  I mentioned that one of the theories was that it was the cell phone towers- how the signals
mess with their ability to return to the hive.  I've heard in the meantime that now the experts are
saying it's the pesticides that we use.  Whatever the case, we should revere the hardworking,
amazing honeybee for as long as we can.  I find it hard to imagine living in a world where
honeybees and honey don't exist.

Painting #20
16" x 20"
Mixed Media on clayboard

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 11, 2012 - Grasshopper

I did a drawing of this grasshopper in my daily drawing series.  It was really fun to translate it into
a painting.  I worked on it from looking at my initial drawing and it was interesting to translate my
own work into, well, my own work again in a larger format.  It was a nice technical piece to get
me away from my recently discovered indecision about what kind of work I want to create.  I have
a tendency to overthink my art.  Didn't I learn anything from my daily drawing project?  When
I did that, I didn't have time to question my work and what I was going to do- I simply did it.  With
this bi-monthly project, I've harkened back to the olden days of overthinking and questioning  everything I do thats art related.  Silly things like:  Is this good enough?  Will people like it?  What
am I doing?  Do I have a direction?  A theme?  Is this art?  And so on.  I wonder if now that I've just realized this as I've been typing that this will change in the future.  I guess that's up to me.

Painting #19
16" x 20"
Mixed Media on board