Thursday, November 22, 2012

November 22, 2012 - Seashell

It didn't occur to me when I started this painting that I'd be posting it on
Thanksgiving.  If I'd thought of it I could've done something that was more
holiday appropriate.  But we did go to the ocean today so I guess that
counts.  This painting is based on a drawing I did in my daily drawing
series.  I liked doing this- it became more intricate and defined in the
painting.  It's fun to take an idea and improve it.  It was tremendously
gratifying.  I might add to this post more later but I need to get back to

Painting #22
12" x 16"
Mixed Media on clayboard

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8, 2012 - Praying Mantis

There was a time- not so far in the distant past, that I would research my posts before sitting down
to write them.  When I started my first drawing project I worked hard to learn about the subject
matter I was writing about.  Now I find myself simply sitting down and beginning to type.  Why
did I choose a praying mantis?  I don't know- primarily because I think they're cool to look at and I
like the way they move.  Nothing profound--I just like them.  Admittedly though, I kind of thought
they were native to exotic locales unknown to me until my dad told me he saw them in our backyard
sometimes.  Really?  How did I miss that!?

Painting #21
16" x 20"
Mixed Media on clayboard