Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19, 2012 - Crane at Dusk

As I'm writing this post, I'm watching a little temperature icon located at the top of my toolbar drop
slowly as the afternoon passes.  It's hot today in downtown Los Angeles.  At noon it was 91 degrees,
now it says its only 85.  I know this is nothing compared to what's been going on back east but when
you spend your days in an air conditioned office in a sweater and then step outside for lunch- it can
take you by surprise.  It feels nice though to go out in the heat after sitting at a desk.  It's like a
warm embrace.  The hottest I ever saw it get here was 115 degrees.  It was so hot on campus that
day that when you'd step out, it was hard to breathe.  Even the birds looked parched that day so we
put out a saucer of water for them on the windowsill.

This nothing to do with this painting except for the fact that as I sat staring at this post, thinking
about what to write I realized I've noticed that temperature icon more today than I usually do.  I'm
Not sure why that is- maybe because it's reading higher than usual.  In any case, I like this painting.
I like the magic dots and it's dusky quality.   This one was a good example of picturing
something in my mind's eye before painting it.  Sometimes one visualizes a painting prior to
beginning, sometimes one has an idea that changes or sometimes one goes to the surface without
a clue what to do.  This one turned out just as I envisioned it which was nice.

Painting #13
12" x 16"
mixed media

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5, 2012 - Ostrich

Happy Day after the 4th of July!  I hope everyone had a great holiday.

Painting #12
11" x 14"
mixed media