Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10, 2012 - Completion

This painting is based on a piece I did during my daily drawing project on July 14, 2011 called
"Courtship".  I really loved this image when I came across it initially- the body language of these
two creatures emanated a simple grace that I found myself quite taken by.  I thought it would
translate well into a larger image and decided to do a painting of it.  So I started one, sketched it
out, put some layers of paint on it, got frustrated and never finished it.  For six months it's been
sitting in my studio in that unfinished state, across from the couch where I watch television,
mocking me.  Not finishing a painting is something I've done often in the past.  It's a really
frustrating thing to leave something unfinished like that.  I've always been a strong starter and
a poor finisher in many areas.  When I have a deadline- no problem, the job gets done, but left
to my own devices quite often I'll start something with fortitude which then dwindles into a lack
of interest which then turns into an unfinished project.  And this has happened A LOT. 

So, when I was thinking about what to paint a couple weeks ago, I looked across the room at this
one and a little voice inside my head whispered: "Finish that one mb.  Don't start another until you
finish it.  Completing this one would be more satisfying than starting another"  So I finally did.
And it was hard to go back in and fix the stuff that stumped me the first time around but I did it
and boy am I glad I did.  It was completing the cycle- closing the circle of the painting if you
will.  It makes me want to go back and finish all my unfinished paintings. Either that or get rid
of them altogether to make room for new ideas.

Painting #8
11" x 14"
mixed media  

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