Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29, 2012 - Rabbit

I'm not always sure if I choose the subject or if the subject chooses me.  Or
rather when I say "chooses me" I mean it's a subconscious decision instead
of a premeditated one.   For instance I chose this subject without even
thinking about the fact that Easter is right around the corner.   I picked it
because I liked the image then realized, well, duh- it's almost that holiday. 
I've always loved Easter not because of it's religious connotations necessarily
but because to me it symbolizes fresh starts, the beginning of spring and
at certain points in my life, my birthday has landed on it. In fact, my 16th
and 21st both happened to be on Easter Sunday.  For my 21st, I was in
my tiny hometown visiting my parents, but I had the pleasure of going
down to the store and buying a six pack of Heineken.  I remember
I sat out on the desk in the sun, had a couple beers and felt kind of
grownup.  I'm basically twice that age now, but I remember the day
clearly.   I remember feelings of promise and an expectancy of the idea
that I had my entire life spread out in front of me.   Twenty years have
passed since then and the stereotype is true- as you get older, time
goes faster which kind of sucks.  Luckily on the flip side,  I think
that as time speeds up we simultaneously learn to slow down
and enjoy the moments which is a good thing.

Painting #5
16" x 20"
mixed media  

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