Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1, 2012 - Sea Turtle

This one was kind of touch and go for me.  I liked it, then I didn't like it, still didn't like it, then
decided I liked it in the end.  I seem to be somewhat unintentionally working the animal theme. 
I didn't set out to focus on this as subject matter- it just seems to be happening on it's own
accord which is cool.  But I do love the animal kingdom.  And sometimes I love the animal
kingdom more so than the human race.  But no, I'm not a people hater and yes, I love people
as well despite all our flaws and the puzzling ways in which we act.  And I realize this has
nothing to do with sea turtles but I'm in a pensive kind of mood this week.   I guess that
happens sometimes.  Ups and downs, highs and lows, the neverending flow of our existence. 
We can't be up all the time, and hopefully we're not going the other direction all the time
either. I think about this quite often, how our very nature is to think about and over-think
things constantly. Would it be better to just be floating blissfully around like this sea turtle,
with just it's own instinctual rhythm to guide it?  We've gotten so complicated as humans-
we're complication within complication within complication and still more complication down
to the smallest specks of minutiae.   As I'm writing this, I'm reminded of a poem that a friend
of mine gave me in high school called something like: "I want my beast self back".  I tried to
google it so I could read it again since it's been like 23 years since the last time I did, but
when I typed in different search iterations to find it all that came up was breast-related info. 
Oh well.  Anyway, the poem was about a desire to simplify, to get rid of complications and
details like social security numbers, driver's licenses, cars, money, careers, advertising-
anything-and everything one could possibly think about and just for a moment to let all these
things slide away that won't mean anything in the long run and just live in an instinctual way. 
This isn't realistic, I know. (Don't worry mom and dad, if you're reading this- I have no
desire to quit my job, drop off the face of the planet and live like a wild animal but still it's
interesting to think about)  I mean, I think we saw the hard reality of that kind of impulse
in the book "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer.  I'd do a synopsis but I think I've already
subjected you to too-long-of-a-post- if anyone is reading this.

In any case, the gist of all this is that sometimes I think it would be easier to live a simple life,
with simple thoughts in a not-so-complex world.  But truthfully, I love my life the way it is and
wouldn't change it.

Painting #3 
16" x 20"
mixed media


  1. Trees named
    Flower named
    continents named
    bombsites memorialised
    roadsigns quadrupled, thunder rerouted
    lightning detoured
    weather televised, music canned
    dogmeat canned, uranium canned
    Walt Disney frozen
    Billy the Kid's body stolen
    outer space wired
    blackbirds poisoned
    popeye painted on warheads
    electrocution sanctioned
    phone wires tapped, geysers tapped
    volcanoes monitored
    terrorism mass-marketed
    crime popularised, burglary syndicated
    lies memorised, death squads okayed
    rainforests mapped and divided
    fir trees under contract, inlets earmarked
    cows branded, knowledged booked
    books shredded, time put into ticks
    ticks digitized
    good will fossilized
    mythology vandalized
    honesty scrutinised
    planet light eyed by marketing executives
    chins, noses, breasts rearranged in surgery rooms
    bodies mugged and gassed, straights plugged
    flags pinned to the otherside of the moon
    scientists, poets, nuns silenced
    hearts transplanted
    satellites re-paving the night sky
    earthworms boxed and sold
    crocodiles skinned
    counsellers, therapists, mail-course astrologers
    dissecting people's lives

    I want my body back
    I want my old beast self
    I want a voice that sings and eyes high-altitude clear!
    I want to live without being watched,
    to smile without being choked, to bathe myself
    unmonitored, to sleep without
    someone ringing my number!
    I want to make love without being told
    how to do it how to feel how to wake
    the next morning what time of day it is
    who's in the World Series who's winning
    the latest war who's been left in purgatory
    and not gone to heaven

    Let me lose myself for once
    Let me see who I am
    Empty my pockets of driver’s license, spare
    change, social security, draft card, secret
    phone numbers, fake student ID
    Visa, Mastercharge!
    I want to eat without additives
    I want to die without preservatives
    I want to rise from the world’s debris
    wipe the rusted mirror, have a feast!
    I want to feel my body naked, wet with storm
    stuck with pollen tanned with meteor fire
    soused with cold rain!
    I want to pass through the tail
    of Haley’s Comet
    bloom shake my mane
    stretch the stiff joints, roll
    in the mustard, kick
    my heels silver the dry wash
    with rafts of light
    unbloody the ocean
    unsmoked the stack
    undo the noose
    unframe the framed
    let loose the shadows
    lick the salt from the world’s tears
    No flags!
    No heads ruling hearts!
    No dirty clothes piled in the closet
    No bomb hatch open
    on the horizon!

    Let me flood through the gate
    slide into you
    embrace without could be’s or what if’s
    I want it to be a hundred times
    the first time!
    I want it slow in the open luminous
    sourceless, as books have never
    told it, as vision
    has witnessed it, I want it blessed
    by the brightest angel
    I want it in the clover in the clouds
    with the furious taste of electricity
    with silence left in my lungs
    with my windshield steamed I want it
    high on green wet wave
    and the whole world with me, out in
    back through the narrow vent
    of birth
    then to sleep to drift to wake!
    beckoned by no absence
    collective and unnamed, feathered
    soft pawed
    bloodsong in the veins
    bird whistle in the artery
    fin in the spray of the surf
    I want it
    heavensknowswhere, I want
    my body back
    I want my old beast self!

    - John Brandi

  2. It's in a book called Semiotext[E] USA. I was looking for it online - it's there now :-)
